(23.02.2025) Year 2014: Results

When I start to reflect about 2014 I can only say that this year was the best year in our life if we talk about travels. I had a plan to visit ALL Australia's states and territories, start a stand-along blog and own business. Here the results of our 2014 year.

Goal #1: Visit all Australia's states and territories

If you look at the Archive page, you can clearly see that we've been in many places. I would like to highlight some of them.

We started our year with a trip from Melbourne to Sydney via Canberra and back. I have a plan to tell you a little bit more later in this year.

In January we spend a wonderful weekend in Australian Alps, Victoria, where we climbed to the second highest peak, Mt Feathertop.

The Australian Alps: Mt Feathertop via The Razorback

View from Mount Feathertop, Victoria

In April on the long Easter holiday we travelled to Flinders Ranges, South Australia and visited Mungo National Park, New South Wales.

Easter 2014: Flinders Rangers National Park, Mungo National Park

Flinders Rangers, Razorback lookout


Mungo National Park, lunnetes

In May we went to the Northern Territory to escape the winter for a week. We swam in warm waterfalls and saw LOTS of birds. I also went to my name-town, Katherine :)

The Top End Trip 2014: Darwin, Litchfield, Nitmiluk, Kakadu NP


June and July we quiet. We travelled to Beechworth to the Ned Kelly's festival, spent a day exploring Hanging Rocks area.

In August we had a trip to Western Australia. OMG, that's all that I can say about that beautiful area with beaches, huge rocks and ancient trees! Magnificent!

Western Australia South Coast Trip 2014

September and October, again, were nice and quiet. Short trip to Bendigo, Victoria, some local trips to meet the spring.

A day in "my" life (in pictures) in Bendigo: The Body Beautiful exhibition, Bendigo Pottery, short walk

Looking for sakura in the National Rhododendron Gardens, Olinda

Then November. A week in Tasmania. WOW. Mountains, forests, beaches, snow, heat, beauty of the nature, wild animals, delicious food - Tasmania has everything for everyone. Will definitely travel there again and again.

Trip to Tasmania: North-West and West Coast

Rest of November and December were busy - our landlord decided to sell the house where we lived, so, instead of trip to Queensland, we spent a lot of our time looking for the new place to live. As for travels, we went to Wilsons Promontory and Gippsland area just before the New Year.

So, as you can see, we did our best. 2015 will be much quiet, as our son goes to the new school and we would like to give him more time to get himself comfortable there.

Goal #2: Start a stand-along blog

This blog was registered in February. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what is the best way to organise all our travel notes, changed the design couple of times, registered in social networks, been promoted via Instagram in several accounts...

Here you can see some Google Analytics statistic as well:

 Australia, 2014 Year Results, ,

I takes a lot of time to write all the notes in English and Russian, but I feel that this will help me with the next goal...

Goal #3: Own travel business

In September I realised that I am ready to run my own travel consulting business, so, here we come: LetsGoToAU.com.

LetsGoToAu.com is a service with tailored travel trips around Australia. At this moment, it is in Russian, but we are working on it and have plans to start it in English later this year. Hope that it will not take long.

That's all for today with the results.

Thanks for being with us all the year! Hope that you enjoy our blog and will be with us in 2015! Keep in touch!

Travel well!

Katerina is an author and traveller. Follow her on Instagram / Facebook / RSS