(12.01.2013) Park of miniatures - Cockington Green Gardens



Before going to this trip, someone recommened us to visit  Cockington Green Gardens - park of miniatures. Again, as in Sydney, weather was against us - extreamely hot (+35) plus we had to be in Melbourne by the end of the day. So we spent only couple of hours in the gardens and it is so sad, because everything was so beautiful there...

Please see some photos below:

Buildings replicas:

Some models are interactive. As an example, you can see train here:

The duck is real, other things are not.

Everyone is working hard to make these gardens better.

Here is one hidden gem - an UFO! It is not visible from the paths, the only way to see it is to ride on a miniature steam train.

Anyway, this is almost the end of our trip. We wish to stay in Canberra for more to explore War Memorial, Science museum, Parliament House and other buldings, but we had to go. We will be back :)

Travel well!

Katerina is an author and traveller. Follow her on Instagram / Facebook / RSS